費率 Premium | 一代健保 NHI | 二代健保 2nd generation NHI |
一般保費 Regular Premium | 5.17% | 4.91% |
補充保費 Supplementary Premium | 0 | 2% |
補充保費收取項目Supplementary Premium Items
獎金 Bonus | 薪資所得中,未列入投保金額計算的獎金(如年終獎金、三節獎金、紅利等),累計超過當月投保金額4倍部分 Bonuses (ie. Year-end bonus, festival incentives, profit sharing, etc) received from employers which are in excess of four months' salary income |
兼職所得 Part-time Income | 兼職人員(非在本單位投保健保)的薪資所得 Part-time salaries |
執行業務收入 Income from professional practice | 給付民眾的執行業務收入 Income received from professional practice from entities other than the group insurance applicant |
股利所得 Stock dividends | 公司給付股東的股利總額 Stock dividends received from investment |
利息所得 Interest income | 給付民眾公債、公司債、金融債券、短期票券、存款等利息 Interests from government bonds, corporate bond, financial bond, and bank deposit |
租金收入 Rental Income | 法人給付民眾的租金 Rental income received from legal persons |
Please refer below link for more information on the 2nd Generation of NHI